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[Optimization] DeepSpeed - a deep learning optimization library https://www.deepspeed.ai/ Latest NewsDeepSpeed is a deep learning optimization library that makes distributed training easy, efficient, and effective.www.deepspeed.ai https://github.com/microsoft/DeepSpeed GitHub - microsoft/DeepSpeed: DeepSpeed is a deep learning optimization library that makes distributed training and inference eaDeepSpeed is a deep learning optimization library ..
[Database] bitnine - Connecting Data for a Smarter World https://bitnine.net/company/ 비트나인, 대한민국 1등 PostgreSQL 전문 기업 | 비트나인비트나인, 대한민국 1등 PostgreSQL 전문 기업 | 비트나인bitnine.netBitnine is a global tech company that has the world's first RDB+GDB multi-model graph database product and provides various solutions and services based on graph technology.   1. What is Bitnine?비트나인은 인공지능을 위한 데이터베이스 전문 기업입니다.세계 최초로 RDB + GDB 기반의 Graph Databas..
Weight&Biases - The AI Developer Platform https://wandb.ai/site/ Weights & Biases: The AI Developer Platform The Weights & Biases MLOps platform helps AI developers streamline their ML workflow from end-to-end. wandb.ai Weight&Biases is the AI developer platform : build models faster, fine-tune LLMs, develop GenAI applications with confidence, all in one system of recourd developers are excited to use
Korea - AI Policy related news 24.04.16https://n.news.naver.com/article/018/0005716603?sid=105 韓최초 가짜AI 잡기대회 성료…美데프콘보다 열기 뜨거워국내 기업들이 개발한 생성형 인공지능(AI)을 공격해 오류와 편견을 잡아내는 첫 대회 참여도가 세계 최대 사이버 보안 컨퍼런스 ‘데프콘(DEF CON)’ 부대행사를 넘어선 것으로 나타났다. 이번 대n.news.naver.com  24.03.30https://n.news.naver.com/article/092/0002326347?sid=105 "이미지 150억개 생성…사람 149년, AI는 1.5년"국회도서관(관장 이명우)과 한국과학기술정보연구원(KISTI, 원장 김재수)이 공동 주최한 '2024년도 제 2차..
[AWS] Generative AI, Foundation Model, Large Language Models, Prompt Engineering, Retrieval Augmented Generation, LangChain, Vector Database, Hugging Face Generative AI What is generative AI ? Generative AI is a type of AI that can create new content and ideas, including conversations, stories, images, videos, and music. AI technologies attempt to mimic human intelligence in nontraditional computing tasks like image recognition, natural language processing (NLP), and translation. Generative AI is the next step in artificial intelligence. You can t..
[Databricks] Getting Started with Databricks Machine Learning
[Databricks] The Big Book of MLOPS 1. Introduction2. Big book of MLOPs V1 Recap3. What's new4. Design Decisions5. referecen Architecture 6. LLMOps
[Databricks] The Big Book of Generative AI 5 ways to leverage your data to build production-quality Gen AI applications Contents Introduction The Path to Deploying Production-Quality GenAI Applications Stage0 : Foundation Models Use Case : Introducing DBRX : A New State-of-the-Art Open LLM Stage1 : Prompt Engineering Use Case : Automated Analysis of Product Reviews Using Large Language Models Stage2 : Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)..