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Generative AI

Generative AI on AWS


Generative AI is the most popular AI technology in now. 


Here, I would lilke to search and organize study materials on AWS for understanding generative AI technology. 


First, Generative AI section is included in Machine Learning on AWS below https://aws.amazon.com/machine-learning/



I investigated generative AI section briefly, 

Generative AI on AWS 

Overview - Generative AI for every business https://aws.amazon.com/generative-ai/

: Generative AI boost productivity, build differentiated experiences, and innovate faster with AWS.


Technology - How to build and scale generative AI appilcations on AWS https://aws.amazon.com/generative-ai/technology/

: Innovate faster with new capabilites, choice of industry leading foundatino moels (FMs), and the most cost-effective infrastructure. 


Use cases - Realize the business value of generative AI in your organization https://aws.amazon.com/generative-ai/use-cases/

: Reinvent customer experiences, enhance productivity, and accelerate growth with generative AI 


Customers - Generative AI Customer Stories https://aws.amazon.com/generative-ai/customers/

: Explore how customers are unlocking value with generative AI on AWS 


Partners - Generative AI Competency Partners https://aws.amazon.com/generative-ai/partners/?aws-marketplace-cards.sort-by=item.additionalFields.sortOrder&aws-marketplace-cards.sort-order=asc&awsf.aws-marketplace-aws-marketplace-aim=*all&awsf.aws-marketplace-aim=aws-marketplace-aim%23gen-ai-software-competency-partner

: Boost productivity, build differentiated experiences, and innovate faster with AWS Generative AI Partners



Others on AWS 

What are Foundation Models? https://aws.amazon.com/ko/what-is/foundation-models/


Antropic's Claude 3 Haiku model is now available on Amazon Bedrock https://aws.amazon.com/ko/blogs/aws/anthropics-claude-3-haiku-model-is-now-available-in-amazon-bedrock/?th=tile&tile=gen-ai-news-spotlight&p=1








